“Chifukwa chake, pitani kaphunzitseni anthu a mitundu yonse, ndi kuwabatiza mʼdzina la Atate ndi la Mwana ndi la Mzimu Woyera, ndi kuwaphunzitsa amvere zonse zimene ndinakulamulirani.”

Mateyu 28:19–20

Cholinga Chatu

Our Mission

Cholinga chathu ndi kulemekeza Mulungu popanga ophunzira a Yesu amene adzapangenso ophunzira ena.


Our mission is to glorify God by growing disciples who make disciples.

Abusa | Pastors

Pastor Isaac Dzimbiri

M'busa | Teaching Pastor

Mbusa Dzimbiri amatsogolera Mpingo wa Gospel Life Baptist komanso amatumikira alimodzi ndi Gospel Life Baptist Mission yomwe yiri ku Zomba Malawi. M’busa Dzimbiri watumikira mipingo ya ku Malawi komanso ya ku Zambia, ndipo ali ndi M.A. mu maphunziro a zautumiki kuchokera ku Central Africa Baptist University ndi Piedmont International University.

Pastor Dzimbiri leads Gospel Life Baptist Church and also serves with Gospel Life Baptist Mission based in Zomba Malawi. Pastor Dzimbiri has served churches in Malawi and Zambia and holds a M.A. in Ministry from Central African Baptist College and Piedmont International University.

Pastor Wilkes Watch

M'busa | Pastor

M’busa Watch ndi yemwe anayambitsa Mpingo wa Gospel Life Baptist ndipo amagwira ntchito ndi Gospel Life Baptist Mission, bungweri liri ku zomba Malawi. Asanayambitse mpingo wa Gospel Life Baptist limodzi ndi Dr. Hutchens, M’busa Watch anali m’busa wa Mpingo wa Baptist ku Phiri la Ntonya kwa dzaka zisanu. Iye ndi mkazi wake Eunice ali ndi ana awiri akazi.

Pastor Watch is a founding pastor of Gospel Life Baptist Church and also serves with Gospel Life Baptist Mission based in Zomba Malawi. Before co-founding Gospel Life Baptist Church, Pastor Watch pastored the Baptist church at Phiri la Ntonya for five years. He and his wife Eunice have two daughters.

Magawo Achikhulupiriro | Articles of Faith

Baibulo lomwe limapangidwa ndi Chipangano Chakale ndi Chatsopano chomwe, ndi Mau okhawo omwe ndi a Mulungu lero. Anaperekedwa mukuuzira kwa Mulungu ndipo, alibe cholakwika. Baibulo ndi lomwe limatilamulira komanso ndi lokhalo lomwe tikufunikira kuti tiziwe Mulungu ndi kumukonda.

The Bible, consisting of Old and New Testaments, alone is the Word of God today. It was given by inspiration of God and is without error. The Bible is our authority and is all we need to know and love God.

Deuteronomy 8:3; Psalm 19:7; 2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 1:1; 2 Peter 2:21

Mulungu ndi M’lengi komanso Mfumu ya zinthu zonse. Palipenso Mulungu wina kupatura iye. Mulungu adalenga zinthu zonse kuulemelero wake, ndipo amapitiriza kulamulira zinthu zonse. Iye ali wangwiro munjira zonse, ndipo cholengedwa chinachirichonse chili ndi ngongole yomukonda komanso kumumvera iye.

God is the Creator and King of everything. He is the only God. God created everything for his own glory, and he continually rules over everything. He is perfect in all ways, and every creature owes him love and obedience.

Genesis 1:1; Psalm 19:1; Romans 11:36

Mulungu ali muutatu, zimene zimatanthauza kuti Mulungu ndi Modzi, Mulungu ndi Anthu atatu—Atate, Mwana, ndi Mzimu Woyera—ndipo munthu aliyense mwa atatuwa ndi Mulungu ndithu.

God is Trinity, which means that there is one God, that God is three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and that each person is fully God.

Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 45:5; Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14

Mulungu adalenga anthu muchifanizo chake ndicholinga choti azimulemekeza ndi kupeza chisangalalo mwaiye thawi zonse. Mulungu adalenga amuna ndi akazi omwe mofanana muchifanizo chake koma adawapatsa maudindo osiyanasiya mu banja komanso mu mpingo kuulemerero wake.

God created people in His image to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. God created both men and women equally in His image but gave them different roles in the family and the church for glorifying Him.

Genesis 1:27; 2:18-25; 1 Corinthians 10:31

Tchimo ndi kugalukira Mulungu komanso malamulo ake abwino muzinthu zomwe timachita, yakhula, kepenanso maganizidwe. Mulungu anamulenga Adamu ndipo adalibe tchimo, koma, chifukwa cha mayesero a Satana, iye adagalukira motsutsana ndi Mulungu kenaka anachimwa. Kuchokera kwa Adamu, anthu onse adalandira chikhalidwe chauchimo ndi kugalukira Mulungu. Imfa ndi chiweruziro cha Mulungu cholungama motsutsana ndi uchimo. Kudzera mu imfa, Mulungu amasiyanitsa ochimwa ndi madalitso a moyo. Pali magawo atatu a imfa: Uzimu, kuthupi, ndi muyaya. Anthu onse amabadwa ali akufa muuzimu mumachimo awo. Pamene munthu afa kuthupi, amapita thawi yomweyo kumwamba Kapena kumalo achionongeko, kumene anthu onse amakakhala akudikirira chiukitso komanso chiweruziro. Kumwamba ndi malo auzimu kumene Mulungu akulamulira, akupembezedwa, ndiponso amakhala ndi anthu ake. Malo achionongeko ndi malo auzimu kumene Mulungu akulanga anthu ochimwa molungama, ndi imfa yamuyaya.

Sin is rebellion against God and His good rule in what we do, say, or think. God created Adam free from sin, but, through the temptation of Satan, he rebelled against God and became corrupt. From Adam, all people inherit a corrupt nature and rebel against God. Death is God’s righteous judgment against sin. Through death, God separates sinners from the blessings of life. There are three stages of death: spiritual, physical, and eternal. All humans are born spiritually dead in their sins. When someone dies physically, he goes immediately to heaven or hell, where all humans await the resurrection and final judgment. Heaven is the spiritual place where God reigns, is worshiped, and dwells with his people. Hell is the spiritual place where God justly punishes sinners, which is eternal death.

Genesis 3:19; Matthew 25:41; Romans 3:23; 6:23; 2 Corinthians 5:8; Ephesians 2:1-2; Hebrews 9:27; James 2:10; 1 John 3:4; Revelation 20:14

Yesu Khristu ndi Mulungu Mwana yemwe adakhala munthu. Yesu Khristu ndi Mulungu ndithu komanso Munthu ndithu ndi cholinga choti atumikire ngati m’nkhala pakati wapakati pa Mulungu ndi anthu. Mulungu Mwana adakhala munthu ndithu pobadwa mwa namwali mudziko lapansi ngati Yesu. Yesu Khristu adakhala moyo wa ngwiro mukumvera Mulungu komanso mukukaniza Satana. Adafa ngati m’mlowa malo pamene Mulungu adamulanga iye chifukwa cha machimo a anthu. Adaukitsidwa kwa akufa atakhala m’manda masiku atatu pofuna kuonetsera kuti adagonjetsa tchimo komanso imfa ndi kukhala gwero la moyo wosatha. Adakwera kupita kumwamba kumene ali kukhala pano monga Mfumu komanso akupepherera anthu ake.

Jesus Christ is God the Son who became human. Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human so that he can serve as the Mediator between God and humans. God the Son became fully human by being born of a virgin into the world as Jesus. Jesus Christ lives a perfect life in obedience to God and in resistance to Satan. He died as a substitute when God punished Him for human sin. He was raised from the dead after three days to show that he had defeated sin and death and to become the source of eternal life. He ascended into heaven where he is now seated as King and intercedes for His people.

John 1:1; Romans 3:23-26; 4:25; 8:34; 9:5; 1 Corinthians 15:17-19; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 3:13; Philippians 2:6-7; Hebrews 1:3; 4:15

Mzimu Woyera ndi Mulungu Mzimu, yemwe ali Mulungu ndithu yemwe akuonetsera kupezeka kwa Mulungu kwa thawi zonse mudziko komanso mumpingo. Amapereka kwa okhulupirira wina aliyense Mphatso za uzimu zoti zibweretse ubwino ku mpingo, koma mphatso zina zomwe zatchulidwa muchipangano cha tsopano mwachitsanzo kuyakhula malirime komanso uneneri zinasiya kupatsidwa popeza mpatsozi sizofunikiranso ku ubwino wa mpingo. Mzimu Woyera amagwira ntchito mu moyo wa munthu okhulupirira ndi kupupangitsa kuti akhale ngati Yesu komanso kupanga kuti mpingo ukhale ogwirizana kuzera mukupezeka kwake.

The Holy Spirit is God the Spirit, who is fully God and who acts as God’s active presence in the world and in the church. He gives every believer Spiritual Gifts for the good of the church, but some gifts mentioned in the New Testament like speaking in other languages and prophecy have ceased to be given since they are no longer necessary for the good of the church. The Holy Spirit works in the life of the believer to make him more like Jesus and makes the church one through His presence.

Genesis 1:2; Psalm 104:30; Luke 1:35; 24:49; John 6:63; 16:8-11; Acts 1:8; 2:38; Romans 8:11; 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 6:11; 12; Ephesians 4:4-6; 1 Peter 4:10-11

Yesu Khristu ndi njira yokhayo yoti anthu apulumutsidwire ku kwiyo wolungama wa Mulungu wotsutsana ndi tchimo. Ntchito ya Mulungu yopulumutsa anthu inayambika pamene iye adasankha anthu ena kuti apulumuke dziko lisanakhale. Mulungu adawasankha anthuwa chifukwa cha chifundo chake basi koma osati chifukwa cha ubwino uliwonse anaupeza mwaiwo. Mulungu adawapangiratu iwo omwe adawasankha kuti akonzedwe m’chifanizo cha Yesu Khristu. Mulungu adachititsa kuti omwe adawasankha abadwenso mwatsopano. Kubadwa kwatsopano ndi pamene Mulungu wasitha ntima wa munthu ndicholinga choti iye yemwe amakonda tchimo ndi kudana ndi Mulungu ayambe kukonda Mulungu ndi kudana ndi tchimo. Iwo omwe azapulumuka akuyenera kulapa ndi kukhulupirira unthenga wabwino. Kulapa ndi kutembenuka kuchoka ku tchimo ndi kuyang’ana kwa Mulungu. Chikhulupiriro ndi kudalira Yesu ngati Mpulumutsi ndi Mbuye. Mulungu amalengeza kuti wina aliyense yemwe wa khulupirira ndi wopatulika komanso wolungama panthawi yomwe munthuyo wakhulupirira. Mulungu amakhala akupanga wokhulupirirawo kuti akhale opatulikitsitsa ndi olungamitsitsa moyo wawo onse, ndipo pamene Khristu akubweranso, Mulungu adzapangitsa iwo omwe adakhulupirira kukhala angwiro mukupatulika komanso mukulungama kwawo. Mulungu adzasunga anthu onse omwe adawalungamitsa kukhala okhulupirika ndicholinga choti adzawapatse ulemerero. Timamvera Mulungu osati ndicholinga choti tisunge chipulumutso chathu, koma chifukwa choti ndi Chimwemwe chanthu kumvera Mpulumutsi wathu.

Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation from God’s righteous wrath against sin. God’s work of Salvation began when he chose some people for salvation before the foundation of the world. He chose them because of His mercy alone and not because of any good found in them. God predestined those he chose to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. God causes those he has chosen to be born again. The new birth is when God changes a person’s heart so that someone who once loved sin and hated God begins to love God and hate sin. Those who will be saved must repent and believe in the Gospel. Repentance is turning from sin toward God. Faith is trusting Jesus as Savior and Lord. God declares everyone who believes to be holy and righteous at the moment of faith. God makes those who believe more and more holy and righteous through their life, and at Christ’s return, God will make those who believe perfectly holy and righteous. God will keep all those whom he justifies faithful so that they will be glorified. We obey God not to keep our salvation but because it is our joy to obey our Savior.

Mark 1:15; John 1:12-13; 3:3-6; Romans 5:1; 8:16-30; 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 1:18; Ephesians 2:1-10

Mpingo ndi kusokhana kwa anthu omwe ndi obadwa mwatsopano. Yesu Khristu ndi mutu wa Mpingo komanso M’busa wankulu, koma Mulungu amayitana, ndikupatsa mphamvu, komanso kupereka zoyenereza magulu awiri azibambo kuti atsogolere Mpingo: (1) Abusa (omwe amatchedwanso kuti Akulu a mpingo Kapena oyang’anira) amapereka zosowekera zauzimu kumpingo pozera mukupemphera, Kulalikira Baibulo, kupereka uphungu wauzimu, komanso kukonza okhulupirira kuti agwire ntchito ya utumiki. (2) Adikoni ndi wothandizira azibusa pokhaniritsa zosoweka za kuthupi za Mpingo, makamaka zosoweka za azimayi omwe amuna awo adamwalira komanso za ana omwe makolo awo adamwalira. Yesu adalamulira Mpingo kuti upange ophunzira a mayiko onse kudzera mukulalikira kwa uthenga wabwino.

A church is an assembly of born again people. Jesus Christ is the head of the church and the Chief Shepherd, but God calls, empowers, and equips two sets of men to lead the church: (1) Pastors (also called Elders and Overseers) meet the spiritual needs of the church through prayer, the preaching of the Bible, spiritual counsel, and equipping believers for the work of ministry. (2) Deacons assist the pastors by meeting the physical needs of the church, especially the needs of widows and orphans. Jesus commanded the church to make disciples of all nations by preaching the gospel.

Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 6:2-4; 20:17, 28; Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:1-13; 1 Peter 2:9-10; 5:1-5

Ubatizo ndi kuviikidwa m’madzi kwa munthu yemwe wabadwa mwatsopano ngati chizindikiro choonetsa kuti moyo yake wakale ikidwa m’manda pamodzi ndi Yesu ndi kuukitsidwa pamodzi ndi Yesu ku moyo watsopano, wochuluka, ndi wosatha. Ubatizo ndiwofunikira kuti munthu akhale chiwalo champingo komanso pachiyanjano ndi ziwalo zina zampingo pathawi ya m’gonero.

Baptism is dunking a born again person under water as a sign that his old life has been buried with Jesus and that he has been raised with Jesus to a new, abundant, and eternal life. Baptism is a requirement for church membership and fellowship at the Lord’s Supper.

Acts 2:38; 8:3-39; Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:11-12; 1 Peter 3:21

M’gonero wa ambuye ndipamene anthu omwe abatizidwa amadya nkate omwe umaimilira thupi la yesu ndi kumwa chakumwa chomwe chimaimilira magazi ake ngati chizindikiro chakuti akupitiliza kukhulupirira ndikugwirizana m’chikhulupirirocho.

The Lord’s Supper is when those who have been baptized eat bread that represents the body of Jesus and drink from a cup that represents the blood of Jesus as a sign that they continue to believe and that they are united in that faith.

Matthew 26:26-30; 1 Corinthians 10:17; 11:17-34

Yesu Khristu adzabweranso moowoneka kuchokera kumwamba muulemerelo kudzaweruza dziko. Anthu onse omwe adafa adzaukitsidwa. Okhulupirira adzaukitsidwa kupita kumoyo wosatha. Ochimwa adzaukitsidwa kupita kuchiweluzo chosatha. Chiweluzo chomaliza chikazatha, Mulungu adzalenga chilengedwe chatsopano chosakhuzana ndi tchimo ndi zotsatira za uchimo, ndipo Mulungu adzakala pamodzi ndi anthu ake mu Ufumu wake kwamuyaya.

Jesus Christ will visibly return from heaven in glory to judge the world. All humans who have died will be resurrected. Believers will be resurrected to eternal life. Sinners will be resurrected to eternal judgment. After the final judgment, God will make a New Creation that will be free from sin and the effects of sin, and God will dwell with his people forever in His kingdom.

Isaiah 65-66; Daniel 12:2; Matthew 24:23-31; Acts 1:9-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 2 Peter 3:11-13; Revelation 20:11-15

Pangano la Mpingo | Church Covenant

Malo | Location

Gospel Life Baptist Church meets in the Mpunga neighborhood of Zomba. At the intersection with the road coming from Three Miles, turn right. The church meets on the right beside the third speed hump.